
My name is Ben Hulin, and I am from South Bend, IN. This last year I completed classes at Bethel College and received my Health and Physical Education teaching license in Indiana. I am starting this blog to chart some of my activities. Many of you know that I participate in everything I participated in before my motorcycle accident, but now do them in different ways. This blog will show some of the activities, competitions, and different races I am involved in. Please comment or ask questions as we go. I am more than happy to explain things in detail. Thanks for following.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


 We had a blast this past week when Mom, Dad and Tanner came out and visited Park City and then we went out west to the Tetons and Yellowstone.  This is one of our lunch breaks.  I have never eaten out so much with my family but it was awesome hanging out at every opportunity.
 Tanner wanted to walk with the elk.  They were just hanging out in the town in Yellowstone.
 Dad wanted to have a picture of himself in Montana.  He even hugged the bear on the left.
 This is Tanner and I at one of the many stops we made in the parks.  This was at a resort / hotel / eating place.  I went in and was not that impressed but people were there so I am sure they are making money some how.
 This is one of the closest bison we came in contact with.  Mom said, "Keep it in Drive"  I did not listen and put it in park and took some pictures.  It was pretty funny.
 Old Faithful.  Let me be the first to tell you that this is pretty cool but not life changing.  The worst part was the Asian man directly on my right who would not get out of my personal bubble while he was taking pictures.  I was just a little annoyed.
 Mom, Dad and Tanner climbed this rock face.
 It was awesome to see them climb and then all of them on top.  I tried but did not get that far up. Ha Ha yeah right!
 Entering the Grand Tetons.
 Our Yellowstone picture.

One of the many, many elk.

This was an awesome trip.  One of the best times was the whitewater rafting.  Tanner took some pics on that trip but not really great ones with the GoPro.  We got some cool video though.  It was awesome spending time with my family.  Next time the rest of the family needs to come join.  You always know family is something special but when you get to spend time with them and hang out when its been a while it means even more.

Thanks guys for coming out.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mountain Biking

This is the best cross train for road racing.

Stupid Bee and Shooting

This is how I woke up a few weeks ago.  It would have been cooler if there was a good story but there is not a really good story.  I was mountain biking and a bee got caught in between my sunglasses and my eye and went to town on me.  The next morning, this is how I looked.  It would have been better if the other guy looked worse than me and this was all I took in a fist fight but nope, it was just a stupid bee.
Me and two buddies went shooting too the other day.  It was pretty cool.  We shot some clay and then some other targets in this dumpy part of town.  It was pretty fun.