
My name is Ben Hulin, and I am from South Bend, IN. This last year I completed classes at Bethel College and received my Health and Physical Education teaching license in Indiana. I am starting this blog to chart some of my activities. Many of you know that I participate in everything I participated in before my motorcycle accident, but now do them in different ways. This blog will show some of the activities, competitions, and different races I am involved in. Please comment or ask questions as we go. I am more than happy to explain things in detail. Thanks for following.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Racer

The Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana Sports Program has new individuals seeking for ways to be involved in sports.  One of those sports is wheelchair racing.  RHISP gave one of these individuals my contact information and I was able to meet him and we were able to go over some racing chair techniques and different things.  We are planning on pushing a race together on Labor Day in Plymouth, IN, if it all works out.  It was great meeting with him today.  It reminded me of the early times when I was in the hospital and Jon came and told me that I can do anything I wanted to, I just might have to push a wheel to do it.  It was neat to have the roles reversed a little bit when I was able to give back.

1 comment:

  1. Jon took the time to make a difference in your life...glad you were able to encourage someone in the same way.
