
My name is Ben Hulin, and I am from South Bend, IN. This last year I completed classes at Bethel College and received my Health and Physical Education teaching license in Indiana. I am starting this blog to chart some of my activities. Many of you know that I participate in everything I participated in before my motorcycle accident, but now do them in different ways. This blog will show some of the activities, competitions, and different races I am involved in. Please comment or ask questions as we go. I am more than happy to explain things in detail. Thanks for following.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Check out the pictures below that show the four main sports I am involved in competitively and recreationally.  I ski as much as I can during the winter months and play basketball as my time allows.  I compete and cross train on my handcycle.  The push rim wheelchair is where I spend most of my time training and participate in 10-12 races yearly.  My favorite distance is a half marathon and my goal is to get my time down to qualify for some bigger marathon races.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ben!!!!! just finished reading ur blog and then creating an account. The pictures and info
    are great.GP
