
My name is Ben Hulin, and I am from South Bend, IN. This last year I completed classes at Bethel College and received my Health and Physical Education teaching license in Indiana. I am starting this blog to chart some of my activities. Many of you know that I participate in everything I participated in before my motorcycle accident, but now do them in different ways. This blog will show some of the activities, competitions, and different races I am involved in. Please comment or ask questions as we go. I am more than happy to explain things in detail. Thanks for following.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Moose Week

This week was good and it ended last night with a bang as I rolled onto a mamma moose and her two little mooslings.  I was coming home last night after hanging out on Main Street downtown.  I was rolling down the last hill and I looked up and saw the two young moose.  I slowed down and then looked to the left and saw the mamma.  She did not looked thrilled to me so I started talking to her and backed up pretty quickly while carrying on a decent conversation.  I looked around and found a better way home rather than the way of the moose and came back in my car with my camera.  It was pretty cool.  It was very dark so the pictures are not that good but I have a new appreciation for a very big animal.  It was neat to see.

The first picture is mamma moose and then the next one is her two young ones.  I wish it would have been light out but maybe that won't be my first interaction.  Thankfully my dog was not with me to scare them up a bit.  It could have been a little longer of a night than I had planned for.

Monday we worked on certification on the high ropes course.  I was able to climb to the bridge and get out in another chair they had and experience another high ropes course.  It was pretty cool to do.

 This is me and Michelle belaying people on the ropes course.  I am the one on the right!
 This is how I "climbed" up.  The winch that my left hand is on pulled me up so I reached for it above my head and then pulled down to lift myself up.  It was a good work out.
After I pulled myself up I got in another wheelchair and then rolled around up there a bit.  I was on belay about 20-25 feet up in the air.  It was a new experience to say the least.

On Saturday Andrea and I went to Weber State University.  It is a Division 2 school and a family was having a one mile fun walk for their daughter who passed away from epilepsy.  We were there with a booth for the National Ability Center because the family was raising the money in awareness of what epilepsy is and how people can participate in programs and sport regardless of different abilities.  It was a good day.  The only downer was the wrong turn on the way back home and the missing of about half of the Notre Dame game.  O well they won and I will watch them once again next weekend.  I just wish I could be at the games.   It is just not the same for sure.

 This was me and the booth.  I had no one to take a picture with so me and this sled hockey player posed pretty well.
 They gave Andrea and I some cotton candy.  I ate it so fast.  Not a good idea but it has been so long since I have had that stuff.
I met this man.  His name is Jim and he is a ski volunteer for the National Ability Center.  I learned so much about Utah.  I learned things that I did not even know existed as well.  He was fun to talk to and I hear he is a bit of a character in his ski outfits.  It will be fun to see him on the slopes.

After church today I stopped by the outlet mall and then stopped again to get some shots of the mountain fall color.  It is so pretty out here.  This is a barn on one of the main roads.  I think it will be more pretty with snow on the mountains but I will have to wait a few more weeks.

 Totally random non nature picture but I thought it was kind of cool for a reflection picture.

These are the mountains on the way to the Canyon's resort.  They don't ski on these but they are kind of the foothills of some really cool ski slopes.  The fall colors are amazing for sure.  Until next week.  Maybe I will have some cool animal sightings but hopefully nothing too dangerous.  Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Ben - thanks for posting about your adventures. It is so wonderful to watch what you are accomplishing! Thank you for the challenge to live my life with more of a purpose.
