
My name is Ben Hulin, and I am from South Bend, IN. This last year I completed classes at Bethel College and received my Health and Physical Education teaching license in Indiana. I am starting this blog to chart some of my activities. Many of you know that I participate in everything I participated in before my motorcycle accident, but now do them in different ways. This blog will show some of the activities, competitions, and different races I am involved in. Please comment or ask questions as we go. I am more than happy to explain things in detail. Thanks for following.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Week and Weekend

Last weekend started with the first snow and the snow has stuck around most of the week high in the mountains.  I am itching to get going.  I have talked with some people and friends that have gone to Alta which is a resort about 45 minutes away from here and they hiked the mountain and went skiing down.  Trouble is I am not going to hike very well but I am anxiously waiting the mountain to open and the lifts to run.

Here is my car on the first snowfall of the season.

Here are some of the runs that are snow covered but the lifts will not open until the middle of November.  I cannot wait.  I think I have said that a few times for sure.
I do not think I have shown a picture of my house yet.  My door is the second door on the right and I think you can even see the ramp that is now part of the building.  It only took a month and hopefully the steepness won't get to me during the snow and long winter but we will see how it goes.
Due to the early snow and the annoying sweeping and make shift shovel strokes I do from my chair, I took the liberty and bought some big wide knobby tires for my spare wheels that I can put on my chair.  They are crazy large and I just might have to do some down hill chair runs.  No just kidding.  That would be terrible.
 My chair looks pretty crazy with the wheels.
I was trying to smile even during the cold bathroom break for my dog outside but the snow is beginning on the mountains so it was not that bad.
Saturday I once again had to miss a little bit of my Notre Dame game but in hind sight it probably would have been better to miss the last play.  It would have been great if our automatic field goal kicker would have kicked for the win at the end but I was not calling the play.  I got to see the second half which turned out pretty  terrible at the end.  The better part of Saturday would be the ski sale at the National Ability Center.  People donated used and new skis, boots, clothes and other winter gear.  We made a store out of it and sold a lot of the stuff .  It was good talking to people looking for gear and I even picked up another good set of skis and another jacket for a great price. 
After the ski sale and the mourning for my team, we went to a friends house for a Halloween Party.  I was a hot dog.  It was some sweet food and good times for sure.  It was good hanging out.  I did not win the best costume but I took a picture with Erica who I work with and she had the best costume.  She was Yoshi from the Mario Brothers  Nintendo Game. 
I pulled into work on Friday and looked to my left and saw a herd of elk coming from the left.  I dropped my chair out of my car and snagged my camera.  I got some good shots and then observed them for a little bit before heading into the office.  It was really cool.  I just need to see a bear in the wild to round out my wildlife observations but hopefully it will be from a lot further away than the moose and elk sightings.
Well that is it from me for this week.  I have enjoyed doing this so far.  If you want to see anything more or hear of anything else let me know.  I find out this week more about specifics of the marketing department and how I will be helping with that.  It should hopefully make my work time more profitable and actually doing different things.  Enjoy your week and hope for the snow wherever you are and push it this way so the slopes open soon.


  1. Pretty cool wheels! You should be able to go through anything! Toby looks good too.

  2. Ben, I just caught up on your blog. It sounds like you've adjusted to life in Park City pretty well. I'm sorry you haven't been able to go skiing yet, but I have a feeling you will be doing plenty of that soon enough.

  3. REALLY enjoyed this posting =) Especially the monster truck wheels and the hot dog costume!
